From Relationships and Marriage Fitness Center.

Ashaley Botwe Old Town

We provide pre marriage counseling, post marriage counseling, dating and relationship coaching and we also help you fix all your sex related Issues.

Overcoming Masturbation part 1

Masturbation is a problem for both male and female.

Masturbation is process by which one ejaculates or orgasms by hand.

There is hardly any young man or woman who has not masturbated at one time or the other. Masturbation has serious consequences since it drains your vital forces and in many case it causes impotency, if it is over-indulged.

Some causes of Masturbation:

1. Bad company, where children hear and discuss sexual topics

2. Bad society where people collectively see nothing wrong with masturbation.

3. Pollution of children by relatives and friends.

4. House helps who incite young children to this vice by playing with their sexual organs

5. Sleeping more than one child in the same bed since they may play with one another’s sex organ.

6. Parents having sexual intercourse while the children are present.

7. Children in seclusion with maid-servants.

8. Children sleeping in the same bed with older people who are not their parents or sibling and are sexually active.

9. Rectal worms can be a cause for masturbation. The worms cause irritation to the anus and consequently it gives rise to erection of penis. In such circumstances, boy handles his penis which gives intense pleasure to masturbate and later it forms the habit of masturbation.

10. Chronic Constipation.

11. Excessive use of sour foods.

12. Reading of amorous literature, novels, etc

13. Seeing of sexual and love scenes in T. V., cinemas

14. Using sexual stray words with young ladies in seclusion

15. Excessive use of stimulating diets such as meat, eggs, tea, etc

Some Side effects of masturbation:

1. Rapid aging and an early death.

2. Sexual fluid craving.  Women, in particular, who lose a lot of sexual fluids, all develop Sexual Fluid Craving.  Women may say that they re-absorb their sexual fluids that are the reason why women can handle occasional masturbation better than most men.

3. Loss of vigor.  Electrically, the body is discharged and the person loses his or her vigor.  This is a very critical effect.  Also, the sodium/potassium ratio tends to decrease, which is another sign of loss of vitality in some subtle way.

4. Prostate enlargement and prostate cancer are possible in men.

5. Zinc and other nutrient loss. Masturbation depletes the body of zinc, selenium, B-complex vitamins, as well as many other vital nutrients.  Male and female sexual fluids are particularly rich in certain forms of zinc and selenium that are hard to replace with food and impossible to replace with supplements, as far as I know.  Some herbs help, but are somewhat toxic.

6. The nervous system is affected.

7. Release of Chemicals that affects the Brain negatively. In a study of a man having sex with a woman and another man masturbating had their brains scanned to see if there were any difference in their brain in relation to the act they are engaged in. The man having intercourse with the woman, had areas of his brain associated with love, nurturing, affection, touch, and pleasure strongly affected, activated. BUT, the man masturbating had his brain scan resembling someone shooting up heroine or doing crack cocaine, all the areas of love in the brain were not excited. Dr. Marty Klein explains:  “…when so-called sex addicts are involved in sex (for example, when watching pornography), the part of their brain that lights up (the mesolimbic pathway) is the same part that lights up when a heroin addict has injected heroin.” They discovered that when someone is doing drugs or addicted to drugs, almost the exact same parts of their brain are being affected as someone who’s masturbating?

8. It affects the heart, the digestive system, the urinary system as well as the other systems adversely and consequently the whole body becomes the museum of diseases with profound weakness.

9. The eyes become sunken, the cheek bones protrude and there is a black rim round the eyes.

10. Continuous headache and backache.

11. Dizziness and loss of memory.

12. Palpitation of heart on lightest exertion.

13. Nervousness.

14. Unable to perform any heavy physical or mental work.

15. The person dislikes any company and activities and rather likes to sit in seclusion and suffers from weakness.

16. All the senses are impaired.

17. Vision becomes dim, the tongue begins to stammer and ears tend to become deaf etc.

18. Impotency

Remember that Virtues like patience, endurance, contentment, selflessness, appreciation, encouraging, understanding and respecting each other and the fear of God are needed more In making a better and long lasting relationship than sex. In all you do, Keep sex off your plate untill you are married.

For counseling call 0244661011 or 0262661011

God bless you, have a fruitful day.

I love U-PKA


  1. uncle kwamina please it as not been easy at all for me seeing myself doing this for the past 16years now. l need serious help l can see and feel that all is not well with my body physically, emotionally, mentally, and medically. please how can l come out of this evil act. hoping to hear from Dear Uncle Amo


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